Cushing was often cast opposite the actor Christopher Lee, who became his best friend.
In fact, when he plunged into full-length comedies, he cast himself opposite a child - the young Jackie Coogan - but, unsurprisingly, escaped unscathed from this showbiz no-no.
Did anyone, who was cast in the role opposite the hero?
He was cast opposite a high school teacher named Thelma "Pat" Ryan, who he would later marry.
Sabiha was cast opposite all renowned actors of her time.
But Ms. Bening, who has been cast opposite an impressive list of leading men, warms to the subject of her co-stars.
Asked if he would cast Ms. Heche as a romantic lead opposite a man, Mr. Shumacher replied, "It wouldn't stop me for a minute."
Abhishek Bachchan is cast opposite the finest actor of this country, yet he sparkles in every sequence.
These were cast in a temporary yard on the Devon bank opposite the village.
One early part cast him opposite a young Henry Fonda in a stage production of The Virginian.