Wraiths were among those who could not just sense and send thoughts, but cast illusions.
Her ship casts illusions, and is faster than any vessel I've ever encountered, heh.
Like her sister and father, Regan possesses the ability to cast telepathic illusions.
She can cast illusions and project magical bolts of force.
The presence of the Great Ones alone would have marked this a special occasion, but the two magicians cast illusions.
This allows Samurai to cast illusions in order to fool an enemy.
It would be easy enough to cast illusions then!
The adepts of the order possessed the power to bend light and sound in order to cast illusions.
King Chimera was taught by his mother and/or father to bend light and sound in order to cast illusions.
Moondark can cast illusions and fire bolts of eldritch energy from his hands.