This cast, headed by the remarkable Ms. Voigt, stays intact through Oct. 13.
Yet a cast headed by Wendy Whelan stepped briskly through its measures.
"I'm Old-Fashioned" received an ingratiating performance by a cast headed by six soloists.
He changed the setting from Greece to central Africa, and used an all-black cast headed by Avery Brooks.
But the one thing it really has going for it is a talented cast headed by a young, loud, outrageous personality, Martin Lawrence.
The film has a large ensambled cast headed by Alfredo Landa.
It was aided by an excellent cast, headed by Susan Graham, lustrous of voice and deft in her comic timing.
And the cast, headed by the compelling soprano Oksana Krovytska in the title role, looks strong.
A new cast, headed by the soprano Cynthia Clayton in the title role, has taken over for the singers who performed the opera earlier this season.
That's the point, predictable but not pedestrian, with a good cast headed by William Devane.