A voter could cast a vote only for candidates in his own category.
By the final ballot, about 29 percent of the 2,000-plus delegates cast their votes for other candidates or had left the convention hall.
Gingrich received 8% of the votes cast for Republican presidential candidates.
Another approximately thirty thousand ballots were cast for other candidates.
The potential is particularly strong in states like Georgia, where voters can cast ballots for candidates of either party.
Consequently, many second preferences will be declared invalid because they have been cast for eliminated candidates.
Voter turnout on Sunday was high and a large majority of ballots were cast for candidates from democratic parties.
Voters in these regions select candidate lists and may also cast a preference vote for individual candidates.
Between the nine wards only 14 votes were cast for Democratic candidates.
Another approximately 30,000 ballots were cast for assorted minor candidates.