"Nothing else is going to happen as long as the casino interests are here as a possibility," she said.
"They believe the casino interests are holding out promises they aren't going to fulfill," he said.
The women say it is because both the state and the court are controlled by casino interests that want to keep things as they are.
"Hardly, but your casino interests along the Mississippi River might suggest that you are."
In 1993, he sold much of his casino interests to Sun International.
In 2006, Congress introduced legislation to protect their own casino interests from those tribes that are outside reservations.
Suddenly the Congressman abandoned the casino interests and withdrew all his amendments.
"This is something bought and paid for by the casino interests."
These tribes had hired Abramoff to represent their casino interests.
A particularly sore point for many residents and state officials is the contingent of casino interests from outside Florida behind the pro-casino campaign.