Many restaurants have been destroyed and several casino barges were pulled out of the water and onto land.
Although the hotel tower survived relatively unscathed, the casino barge was nearly destroyed and the first three floors of the hotel were washed out.
He runs the hotel, and also the casino barge, that sat beached on the sand across the street as if a wayward whale had run aground.
In 2005, a casino barge slammed into the structure during Hurricane Katrina.
In Gulfport and Biloxi, wrecked casino barges lay across city streets or leaned against high-rise buildings, some tilted on their sides, all with windows blown out.
Twenty-four hours later they stood in a dark lower deck of one of the old casino barges.
Hurricane Katrina destroyed the casino barge used by the President Casino before it could be moved to its new location.
This project was a joint venture with Harrah's Entertainment, with separate adjacent casino barges sharing parking and boarding facilities.
The museum campus was partially destroyed during Hurricane Katrina when a casino barge was washed onto the semi-constructed facility.
Yes ma'am, but we have to get on with it, and seize the opportunity among the debris - sort of like finding the coins that spilled from unmoored casino barges.