For the third straight month, cash in domestic stock funds totaled 5.3 percent of assets at the end of February.
And in the first three quarters of 2003, cash from operations totaled $280 million while $240 million was spent on buybacks.
For example, in 2000, Enron said its net cash provided by operations totaled $4.8 billion.
As of that date, cash and investments totaled $26.5 million, or 17.1 percent of total assets.
Berland's 11 cashes at the World Series of Poker totalled $220,390.
In 2003, the additional cash from refinancings totaled about $200 billion.
At the year-end, cash totalled £409m, a drop of £61m on the previous 12 months.
Novell said its cash and short-term investments totaled $1.1 billion, about equal to the comparable period a year earlier.
The show's producer, Cameron Mackintosh, says this is how the $35 million figure was arrived at: The actual cash in hand totals $19 million.
The Shadow estimated that the cash would total about five thousand dollars.