But the days of watching the cash pour in are long, long gone.
As the cash poured in, and Sam became the nation's number one pin-up, her 48-year-old father was her biggest fan at first, then her manager.
The cash has poured into his fund, pushing assets from $152 million at the end of 1994 to $1.25 billion now.
As the initial cash was pouring in, their share prices slumped, mimicking oil prices, which were also falling.
With individual investors growing more and more confident about both the stock and bond markets, cash is pouring into many mutual fund groups at a record rate.
As fresh evidence, some Wall Street analysts point to the most recent quarter, when cash poured in despite a downturn in stock prices in July.
While the cash was pouring in, Exxon Mobil embarked on a major share repurchase program.
In late December, he said, cash was pouring into those two categories at a weekly rate of $2.2 billion.
During the late 1980s, as the Afghan war waged on and the cash poured in, bin Laden became devoted to Azzam.
Less cash will pour into marketing.