He said that in his 15 years as county prosecutor there had been 12 other cases of killings of newborns.
He has been accused of turning a blind eye to cases of torture and political killings.
Scanning still uninvestigated cases of killings, one official said that in the last four days alone there had been 36 reports of new slayings.
One of the earliest cases of extrajudicial killings was in Weimar Germany.
Until then, the case of such killings are still uncertain and unresolved.
Raccoons usually do not prey on domestic cats and dogs, but individual cases of killings have been reported.
In 2008 an investigative commission said more than 200 cases of alleged large-scale civilian killings by the U.S. military had been registered, mostly air attacks.
Many are implicated in the thousands of cases of killings and torture committed from 1976 to 1983 by the military regime.
'We are to report all cases of multiple killings.'
The panel, sitting in Imphal, heard testimony about more than forty cases of extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations over a five-year period.