CFS had to restrict its case acceptance criteria for some types of analysis due to the case backlog.
Further, the report said, British and American efforts to sort evidence were hampered by large case backlogs and a shortage of translators.
The result would increase the civil case backlog.
He also reduced case backlogs by having senior lawyers serve as mediators in an effort to settle litigation out of court.
There were large case backlogs and trial delays, resulting in lengthy pre-trial detention.
Mr. Suozzi wants the county to catch up on the case backlog, and he places a priority on the biggest tax appeals, involving commercial properties.
During the early 1960s, the Court once again petitioned for the addition of two more judges, arguing that there was a case backlog on its docket.
Federal judges are supposed to be monitored through the Civil Justice Reform Act, which took effect in 1990 and was intended to cut case backlogs.
While judicial districts differ in size, which makes comparisons difficult, Long Island's case backlog appears to be high.
He advocated the elimination of the case backlog, and encouraged speedy adjudication and deliberation of the cases.