With its greater cartridge capacity, it was immediately better received than the Mle 1907/15 rifle.
The Tantal feeds from a double-column curved box magazine, made from a synthetic bakelite material or stamped metal, with a 30-round cartridge capacity.
The 88's have a cartridge capacity of 6 or 8 shots and cannot have their magazines easily extended without machining.
This time, at last, the disk engineers have figured out how to create cartridge capacities that keep up with the pace of life.
It feeds from stamped steel detachable straight box magazines, inserted into a well in front of the trigger guard with either a 20 or 30-round cartridge capacity.
However, the greater cartridge capacity of the .30-06 allows much more powerful loadings if the shooter desires.
The most widely used description of cartridge capacity was "number of printed pages at 5% coverage", with final results depending on a number of factors.
The BDA feeds from a dual-column box magazine with a 14-round cartridge capacity.
The weapon is fed from a detachable box magazine with a 30-round cartridge capacity and made from a lightweight alloy.
Standard magazines have a 30-round cartridge capacity but a 20-round magazine was also offered.