The people who received Spirit baptism were ridiculed as religious fanatics, and satirical cartoons lampooning them appeared in the newspapers.
Ultimately, Bill Mauldin produced a political cartoon lampooning the Soviet State's campaign against Boris Pasternak.
The national press heard of this venture and prompted "Jak" of the Evening Standard to publish a cartoon lampooning the efforts of the cabin crew.
At its most extreme and violent, the dispute flared this year in the Islamic protests against the publication in Denmark of cartoons lampooning the prophet Muhammad.
As in the case of the Danish cartoons lampooning Islam, he prefers to use such words as "respect" or "tact."
Last summer, Iran created a contest for cartoons about the Holocaust in reaction to the controversy over Danish cartoons lampooning the Prophet Muhammad.
In addition, local political analysts said, the United States may be more inclined to hold its fire after the recent conflict over cartoons lampooning the Prophet Muhammad.
Muslims take to the streets in many countries to protest the publication of the cartoons lampooning Mohammed.
Mr. Hajdib, they said, marched in a rally here against the publication in Denmark of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Muhammad.