He can also be heard on the soundtrack of another cartoon feature, The Man Called Flintstone.
Each book also has a regular cartoon feature which introduces everyday functional language and provides students with an opportunity to develop speaking skills.
Roth was a regular contributor of cartoon features to Punch from the late 1960s until the end of the 1980s.
Its bright animation is higher in quality than many cartoon features, not to mention the typical low-rent television cartoon.
All three cartoon features are syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate.
Smith drew cartoon features for Crazy Magazine, and he also did work at Continuity Associates.
These animated sequences were also shown as stand-alone cartoon features on the Disney television show.
In 1986, he and Steve Sack joined to create the children's cartoon feature Doodles.
APEL reports that this is more often the case in cartoon features, children's movies and sports.
Disney's early cartoon features are now considered classics in the field of animation.