These are not typical carryout shops; they have very little food on display.
He has also added Home Away From Home, a carryout shop and cafe nearby on Bleecker Street.
The carryout shops have almost none of the fancy grocery items found at the Madison Avenue store.
The terrine of duck and chicken livers tasted as if it came from a mediocre carryout shop.
Some carryout shops require a day's notice to assemble picnics; others need less than an hour.
Today, more and more carryout shops are following Eclair's old path and are turning into hybrid cafes.
The sunny space, a former carryout shop, now has a Provencal air, with a wood-burning oven and a handsome copper bar.
The temporary telephone number for the carryout shop is 331-4289; for the other operations, 725-6244.
Increasingly popular, a brunch offers many options, from doing it yourself to purchasing prepared dishes from a carryout shop or even hiring a caterer.
The ranks of established caterers have been joined by carryout shops and restaurants, as well as moonlighting cooking teachers.