That figure would be multiplied many times if infected people carried it to other cities or countries.
Much of the grain going downriver is headed for New Orleans, where ocean-going vessels will carry the goods to countries around the world.
Even in the 19th century, sailing ships used to carry gold to distant countries in pursuit of higher interest rates.
Michael Petro III found the need for missionaries to carry the message to neighboring countries.
The drugs are generally being carried by traffickers from Iran to other Arab countries, General Abdul-Kareem said.
He was employed as a government messenger carrying state correspondence to overseas countries.
The Queen Carnival tradition has been carried to other countries, including Fiji and Malta.
The waves separated them, carrying them to different countries.
Brock hopes to expand his list of retailers carrying the line to other countries.
Due to the nature of his job and a considerable network of professional connections, he was perfectly suitable for carrying messages to foreign countries.