On alleys not in use the screens may carry bowling news, tips or tapes of professionals in action.
Their backs and legs aching, but willing, they come wearing saris or carrying merengue tapes.
He left the locker room carrying extra tapes of Bears' games to prepare to play at three positions.
Stores have always carried tapes other than movies, of course, but now diversity has become good business.
A crowd of children carrying books and tapes ran past them heading towards the Friendship Bridge.
Kai and Bonnard carried the recorders and additional tapes, Varian had her gift of the grasses.
Columbia House carried pre-recorded reel-to-reel tapes from 1960 to 1984.
Ms. Ross said Collage, which publishes the Complete Guide to Exercise Videos five times a year, carries most tapes for people with special needs.
He brought along Jim Cann, 22, the assistant superintendent, to carry lighting equipment and extra tapes.
Most stores that do carry adult tapes segregate them from the general selection, out of sight of minors or adults who might be offended.