Today in Greek, metaphor is a trolley (a thing that is pushed for carrying shopping or bags).
The dogs will learn 90 different commands, including opening and closing doors, turning switches off and on, carrying shopping and even pushing buttons in a lift.
She then walks back into the house, while the football results are on, carrying exotic Indian shopping and her husband looks on in surprise.
An old lady beneath an umbrella, carrying shopping.
In the beginning she is seen carrying shopping walking along a country road.
Also praise your child for acceptable behaviour and record this in the book on a separate page (such as'helped carry shopping').
Only 20 per cent is used in physical activity such as climbing stairs or carrying shopping.
There are no proper roads and only a few cars, and it's not unusual to see residents pushing wheelbarrows to carry their belongings and shopping.
When carrying shopping or luggage I would generally wait for a bendy bus rather than a double-decker when I had a choice.
Loads cheaper, better for carrying shopping, easier to get on the bus etc.