The gorge of the Homathko River runs north to south on the east side of the mountain, carrying runoff from the mountain and glaciers to the Pacific Ocean.
As a point of reference, most culverts, which carry runoff under roads, are only built to handle a 100-year storm.
The major streams carrying runoff to those two rivers are Santa Barbara Creek and Mono Creek, respectively.
They carry runoff from the farms inland.
The new rules, which take effect on Monday, will require construction sites bigger than one acre to have plans to handle storm water, which can carry chemical and metal runoff from the disturbed soil.
Located in Clinton Township, New Jersey the Prescott Canal carries runoff from Country Hill Road and Fawn Drive and takes it to the Prescott Brook.
These structures were designed to carry runoff beyond the pile and reconnect to Hutchins Brook, maintaining the hydrologic flow to down-gradient wetlands.
Direct tributaries of the Mackenzie from the west such as the Liard and Peel Rivers carry runoff from the mountains of the eastern Yukon.
Pacoima and Big Tujunga Canyons cut through the range just east of San Fernando, carrying runoff into the San Fernando Valley.
The storm drains that empty directly in the lake carry runoff of lawn fertilizers, high in phosphorus.