Lindsey was initially approached by Republicans about carrying their gubernatorial banner in the general election.
His efforts were unsuccessful however, and Hale failed to carry a single state in the election.
Indiana was an important swing state, and Wilson hoped that Marshall's popularity would help him carry it in the general election.
Nixon carried the state in the 1972 election with just 52% of the vote, his second weakest performance in the nation.
A Republican presidential nominee last carried the state of New York in the 1984 election.
Mitt Romney carried the county in the 2012 presidential election with 75.1% of the vote.
Bush subsequently carried the state in the election.
He carried every county in the primary election in 1918 and was then elected without opposition.
Their main targets are the half-dozen Democratic senators from states President Bush carried in the last election.
John Kerry carried the district with 49.3% of the vote, a margin of 1,112 votes in the 2004 presidential election.