He carried the clothes now, in such a way that they merely seemed a little strange for him.
"Maybe a person can't carry themselves in a proper way, but it doesn't mean they don't have the skills."
And if you can carry this off in a daring way, so much the better.
This is something he has carried in a big way into his later professional life.
"Get what things you can carry," the lieutenant said, not in an unpleasant way.
"I think players have an obligation to the public to carry themselves in a certain way," Williams said.
It made him very careful, and he carries himself still in a way that is more than simply wooden.
"Marines just carry themselves in a way that makes you proud of them," he said.
But he carries himself in a way that a lot of rookies don't.
"Players have an obligation to the public to carry themselves in a certain way and be held accountable," Williams said.