Prentice's lighters were bought by A. V. Jackson in 1936, and Jacksons continued to carry fertilizer until 1948.
Transport included both railway cars, carrying primarily fertilizer, potassium nitrate and ammonia from Norsk Hydro, as well as passengers.
You can't arrest a farmer for carrying fertilizer in his truck, can you?
Causes include water pollution from sewage or runoff from farms (carrying excess agricultural fertilizer).
Edwin and Maude served in the cargo trade until 1945 carrying "sawn lumber, grain, soft coal and fertilizer."
The bacteria grow from storm water runoff carrying fertilizer into the river where it acts as a nutrient for the algae.
The tubing carries water and fertilizer directly to the plants' roots; the sheeting retains heat and moisture and inhibits the growth of weeds.
Water that does return to the river does so in for form of irrigation return flows, which carry pesticides, fertilizer and other pollutants.
The OMID carries food products, lumber, fertilizer, pulpboard, and chemicals.
Long before that, this merchant vessel sailed the world, carrying grain and fertilizer between Chile and Western Europe.