These squirrels carry the fruits far from the tree and drop the seeds when finished with their meal.
But also, she carried luxury items far from essential to the Confederacy's desperate plight.
I called you here tonight to remind you of the duty that carries you so far from your homes.
The trail would carry far from Manhattan, off to a pristine wilderness in rough, unsettled country.
Climb upon his back, and he will carry you far from this place.
Slaves carried far from home brought their stories with them into captivity.
The Stargazer, for instance, in that it carried her far from the milieu into which she had been born.
Certainly there are many smashed-up-looking deposits around the world carrying huge exotic blocks far from their place of origin.
Weston felt that this sort of conversation was carrying them far from the proper track.
Ordinarily the three participants of a union separated after climax, allowing their explosive impetus to carry them far from each other.