Kinnison knew that combat officers did nor wear hobnails, and usually carried binoculars.
Nash's main two bodyguards, dressed as owners, carried binoculars as if they would rather have had guns.
He carried binoculars and a portable microphone, wired from his own grounded copter near by.
As he struggled out of his heavy vest, he noticed for the first time that she was carrying binoculars on a strap around her neck.
The cycle rickshaw wallah's displaying yellow plate meaning authorized double up as guides also carry binoculars.
Several video screens showed different camera angles of the stage, a necessary innovation to supplement the view, unless the reporters were carrying binoculars.
Mr. Grover suggests that hikers wear comfortable walking shoes and carry binoculars.
Accorsi carried binoculars he had packed for the game in Denver and watched as a large jet inexplicably banked toward the skyline.
But few members wield a net; instead, they carry cameras and close-focusing binoculars.
It was easy to spot ships from thirty thousand feet, and of late they'd taken to carrying binoculars to identify surface ships.