They also carry less armor, which has made them a target of criticism from devotees of the 70-ton Abrams.
Heavy tanks could not carry armor strong enough to win against medium tanks.
Ignoring the fact that I'm carrying armor.
Modern warships are crammed with flammable equipment but carry little armor.
Cerryl wasn't sure he could have carried heavier armor.
It also carries hilariously thick armor, but contains structural flaws that eventually results in its destruction at the hands of the player.
Each company shared a servant, and each man carried his own possessions and armor as he marched.
The troop carrier, which looks like a large boat with wheels, was designed for amphibious assaults and carries only light armor.
Like most sauropods, it would have had a long neck and tail but it also carried armor in the form of osteoderms on its back.
But she isn't carrying six-inch armor, like a battlewagon.