Ask Nokia how fast extra billions can float away if the carriers stop carrying your stuff.
In combat, the carrier couldn't stop to rescue one man overboard, and the water was so cold he wouldn't survive more than moments anyway.
The trade group said passengers could refuse to pay for services that were not rendered, like flights that are canceled if a carrier stopped flying.
I see'd a young woman standing in the porch awaiting us, but the carrier was wet and tired and angry or something and wouldn't stop.
We might have gone about half a mile, and my pocket-handkerchief was quite wet through, when the carrier stopped short.
"If war breaks out, foreign carriers may stop flying into India," he said, sharing his reasoning.
Passengers must make arrangements with another airline within 60 days after the original carrier stops flying.
Ticket holders are expected to be reimbursed if the carrier stops flying.
In the future, industry analysts say, carriers may stop charging for voice calls just to get companies to buy fast data connections.
A large carrier, big as a truck, it stopped before them in a cloud of its own dust and the driver kicked the door open.