It needs to be attached to a large carrier molecule such as protein.
One possibility is the encapsulation of a drug into a carrier molecule, which has been successfully done with several hydrophobic drugs, including paclitaxel.
This is thought to be due to the gadolinium ion itself, since Gadolinium(III) carrier molecules associated with the disease differ.
The excited electron then jumps across to a special "carrier" molecule nearby.
Designing Better Cancer Drugs Provides insight into carrier molecules' functionality which may yield safer cancer treatments.
In the two peptide models, the folded parts of the carrier molecule correlate to the hydrophobic domain, although the rest of the molecule remains unstructured.
Protoporphyrin IX is a biochemically widely used carrier molecule for divalent cations.
The carrier molecules (with the fluid within them) are controlled by individually directing each carrier molecules within the microfabricated fluidic channels.
This method is great for solving the possible fluid "leaks", since confinement of the fluid in a carrier molecule does not depend on the size of the fluid's particles.
The molecule or ion to be transported (the substrate) must first bind at a binding site at the carrier molecule, with a certain binding affinity.