The carriage was just approaching the Bricklayer's Arms.
"You can wait here or come with me," he said, as a handsomely gilded carriage approached the front doors and blocked their view.
The carriage of Queen Hemlock is approaching the palace!
Richini gave the façade a concave curve so that carriages could more easily approach the doorway.
A closed carriage approached, pulled by a team of matched bays, their ears flattened against the rain.
They glared at us as our carriage approached and when Frau Graben called out "Hello, Sergeant!"
By the time the carriage was approaching Collinwood, Angelique was fully recovered.
The carriage was approaching one of these residences.
Because of this, he forgets to tell his wife about the party and is roused from sleep when his wife sees some carriages approaching their house.
As the carriage approached he laid his book aside, sprang down the steps, and stood waiting.