This airport already is a major player in shipping cargo around the world.
Ranger's first business was of shipping cargo by sea, air and land.
Your main goal of this game is to ship passengars and cargo both from one place to another.
They were one of the first firms to ship cargo by air, and within a year, the firm was serving both coasts.
If it is too costly, then there may be something developed by the packaging companies just for shipping cargo.
At least then, unlike the present day, we were more concerned about the cargo being shipped out of the country than what might be coming in.
Because of this, it is possible to have international cargo shipped to Evansville in bond.
The port handled $208 billion in shipping cargo in 2011.
Under current regulations, cargo shipped into Japan must be transferred to smaller containers for road travel, adding to costs.
Clearing customs is obviously not a consideration when you're shipping cargo between coasts.