The cargo moves towards the cooler electrode (Figure 2.2) due to the thermal gradient in the longer nanotube induced by the high current that is passed through it.
Some cargo already moves through the gates during off hours; at Los Angeles and Long Beach, it is about 15 percent of the total, according to port officials.
Although they could see the diminution of the parcels and plastic cocooned equipment at Landing, cargo did not move out of Kahrain Cove as quickly.
In return, the cargo typically moves more quickly once it reaches its American destination.
Mr Tupou believed cargo may have moved over to one side of the ship when the wave hit, although there has been no official cause given for the sinking.
Many high-hazard cargoes move through densely populated areas, and some cities would like to ban them.
No cargoes would move to the mainland.
The pre-landing bombardment was cancelled, and troops and cargo moved ashore easily.
The rebels and their cargo moved like ghosts through the rocky terrain.
The next order of business was to get the cargo moved.