The cargo your ship had been carrying, ag equipment.
AH right; you're saying you'll tell us where to go, and what cargo to carry.
The cargo carried on his shoulders and bars are dressed in blue tunic and white cloth tied at the waist with a cord.
"And that's why you invest in cargoes carried on many ships?"
The main cargo carried was coal.
Other cargo carried at this time included fifty head of cattle carried on the foredeck.
The 200M could carry up to 238 passengers in a three-class configuration with cargo carried on the main deck.
After all, their cargoes carry a street value of up to $400 million.
The more an empty airplane weighs, the fewer revenue-producing passengers and less cargo it can carry.
But the court's decision became vastly more complicated in the case of neutral vessels, or a neutral nation's cargo carried on an enemy vessel.