Smith carelessly thrust the revolver into his hip pocket.
They turned out to be thick slabs of ham carelessly thrust between perfectly dry slices of bread.
A photograph, carelessly thrust in face upwards, caught his eye.
The great blocking stone lay in the bottom of the excavation he had made, as if thrust carelessly aside.
She watched as he strode toward her, hands carelessly thrust in the pockets of slim-fitting jeans.
It was thrust carelessly, and even, as it seemed, contemptuously, into one of the uppermost divisions of the rack.
A rustling revealed the sailor's bank-notes thrust carelessly in.
It was crumpled and twisted, as if thrust carelessly into the pocket.
He came into the drawing room on the butler's heels, hat carelessly thrust beneath one arm.
Finally, he found the key, carelessly thrust into a pocket.