One careless step and I could have disappeared from the face of the earth, no one to rescue me.
Those platforms however are very narrow, so one careless step and the hunter becomes the prey.
"Had he lived a blameless life he could walk with careless step."
One wrong or careless step and he would plummet over the edge, smashing himself on the rocks below.
He walked with careless steps, making no effort to hide himself from possible watchful eyes in the darkness of the slum street.
Morrie took a careless step, bounded high in the air, came down, and staggered.
One careless step on a brittle leaf and I would betray myself.
People had been killed by a careless step; that's why there were safety webs every ten meters.
She took a careless step backward and sat abruptly on the bunk.
He took a careless step and found himself ankle deep in a foul-smelling ooze.