I was not a child any more, rash and careless with youth's immortality.
Tsurani soldiers lay scattered around like toys thrown by a careless giant child.
Rocks strewn everywhere, like the playroom toys of careless children.
I felt myself as fragile as a doll of glass in the hands of careless children.
And rocks and boulders strewn everywhere like toys left behind by a careless child.
Others say the dog may be lost, or perhaps a careless child opened a gate and set him free inadvertently.
A military person's career and social identity can be dashed in seconds by a willful or careless child.
Six young, careless children, she thought as she scanned those sitting or lying on the grass.
The capsule looked like a room in the dollhouse of a very careless child.
When would he stop being a careless child?