Day after day, the long tables fill up according to a carefully worked-out calculus of race and class.
A carefully worked-out psychological profile of the killer, for example, turns out to be so much hogwash.
Hari envisioned chaos tearing great holes in his carefully worked-out Plan.
Other adjustments may be so serious as to amount to jettisoning a carefully worked-out position.
As any psychiatrist knows, most delusions have a carefully worked-out rationale behind them.
Mozart made the symphony into a carefully worked-out piece lasting up to half an hour.
For that action, instead of progressing according to their carefully worked-out plan, was ended almost in the instant of its beginning.
"A good zoo is a place of carefully worked-out coincidence," he explains.
Yet the score actually has a carefully worked-out structure.
A good zoo is a place of carefully worked-out coincidence: exactly where an animal says to us, "Stay out!"