When possible, his structures, like Fallingwater in Mill Run, Pa., were carefully sited to take advantage of dramatic geological features and natural vistas.
Three medium tanks from the 763d Tank Battalion were destroyed by a carefully sited and well-concealed 47 mm anti-tank gun.
Mr. Voorsanger recently designed a large, carefully sited house near Tucson.
Solid manure stores, carefully sited and tended, are less likely to give rise to nuisance problems than is liquid storage in the form of a slurry.
Now some of them are clustering, forming a tight little group within which I have carefully sited myself at the exact center of mass.
New buildings, added by FDU, have been carefully sited to preserve specimen trees and original vistas of the Mansion.
The yurt and the tree-house have been carefully sited so as not to be visible to each other or from the house.
The enclosures have been carefully sited and designed, and each supplies the essential features to answer the needs of particular types of animals.
Patient bed towers are carefully sited to comply with requirements for direct exposure to the south to provide light and views.
The driveway is carefully sited so that it is not visible from the landscaped portions on the north lawn.