Carefully mix the powder with the liquid provided as directed.
Drain and mix carefully with the vegetables.
Super Dave keeps himself and everybody else discombobulated by carefully mixing straightforward show business with his sendups.
But over the years, I've learned that one key to success is carefully mixing what they want to do with what you want to do.
Artists, or their assistants, previously ground each pigment by hand, carefully mixing the binding oil in the proper proportions.
Duke turned back to watch the barman carefully mixing from two different bottles of beer.
She was mixing carefully, adding an unripe pearlberry or a nearly fermenting yellowberry.
She found him in the still-room, carefully mixing some sort of decoction.
Jake carefully mixed the three powders in a glass of ice water and slugged it down.
He went on, carefully mixing encouraging news with questions that he knew would be answered negatively.