She lifted his arm and carefully draped it over her shoulder.
In absolute hush, he reached for the square of black material and carefully draped it over his wig.
She moved back down the roof and carefully draped the fabric over the hardened form.
He first removed the stomacher, then the heavy skirt, and carefully draped them both over a chair.
He pulled his tie off first, then his crisp white shirt, draping both carefully over the bentwood chair.
The medic pointed toward the carefully draped Mayo stand.
Taking off her suit jacket, she carefully draped it over the back of her chair.
A third seaman walked up with a Union Flag which he carefully draped over the table.
(The Royal Academy first allowed its female students to observe male models, carefully draped, in 1893.)
Then he removed his jacket and carefully draped it over the arm of the sofa.