Normally he would relish the opportunity to share such a fine drop, but the King's carefully couched question turned the wine instantly sour on his tongue.
His words were carefully couched, but the vice president's message was unmistakable: Get with the program or shut up.
When asked about these concerns today, Mr. Rubin responded with a carefully couched but forceful defense of his currency policy.
Only six," I said, with carefully couched disdain.
One otherwise casual conversation with a woman identified in the transcript as the "mother of Noriega's mistress" seemed carefully couched in intentionally obscure language.
In carefully couched words, David had suggested that Gray was responsible for Spence's unexplainable absence.
The rest in carefully couched innuendoes.
If it does, it'll be carefully couched.
The other female's pained looks and carefully couched replies had burned them both, pointing out everything Marissa didn't have.
Somebody else occupied his office and the carefully couched words were that he had decided to retire.