Nonetheless, there is in his carefully contrived images an undercurrent of quiet, unsettling emotion.
If he passed what he suddenly realized was a carefully contrived test.
Fury pulsed in the air around him, a carefully contrived insult, Heather thought, delivered to her heart.
Paolo's greeting seas similar, a carefully contrived "revelation of his own emotional state.
Her parents believe her to be a happy, contented child, but this is a carefully contrived mask.
Paolo's greeting was similar, a carefully contrived "revela-tion" of his own emotional state.
Had he been taken in by a carefully contrived hoax?
I'm slowly beginning to suspect that we've been victimized by a carefully contrived hoax.
But state Shinto is in fact a particular, carefully contrived version of Japanese culture that has been turned into a religious cult for political reasons.
There followed an alarming period in which the carefully contrived economic recovery and social peace created under the Callaghan government disintegrated.