I hear he is called Rufus because of his ruddy complexion," she said, looking down, her voice carefully casual.
Shkai'ra bent to put the cup on the floor and covered Megan's hand with her own when she straightened, the touch carefully casual.
Tarma filled the tankard for the third time, and kept her tone carefully casual.
Sometimes a carefully casual growth of moss or lichen is added.
Anacho the Dirdirman spoke in a voice carefully casual.
He admired her for a few moments before he spoke, his voice carefully casual.
He looked around, carefully casual, but of course she wasn't there.
With everything packed and the bags in the car, they remained carefully casual.
She was four years old before she returned one of Tracy's carefully casual hugs.
She stopped frowning, picked up her knitting and went on in a carefully casual way: "You have no intention of getting married?