The report said that conclusion was based on the careful tracking of performance standards and an independent review of data, and added, "inmates are receiving appropriate, quality health care."
But also like the weather, careful tracking of asthma symptoms can help identify patterns and what they may say about your asthma control.
They were seized early Friday morning after four days of careful tracking by law-enforcement officials who followed a trail of ransom notes and telephone calls in three counties surrounding the Reso residence.
Since stages of insect development are triggered by the accumulation of a certain amount of heat over time, this calculation involves careful tracking of changes in daily temperature.
Dr. Simpson said the warning underscored the need for more careful tracking of side effects once drugs went on the market.
Furthermore, careful tracking of atmospheric features revealed the spot's counterclockwise circulation as far back as 1966-observations dramatically confirmed by the first time-lapse movies from the Voyager flybys.
"It was all a joke," said Crystal Barrett, a black woman working at the Buttercup bakery counter, characterizing her careful, sometimes optimistic tracking of the electoral struggle.
At a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing late last week, she called instead for more careful tracking of foreign students, among others, while they are in the United States.
The bookkeeping and careful tracking these grants require keep many foundations out of the challenge business, and most donors prefer the straightforward act of writing a check to the threat of a potential withdrawal.
Because the disease is thriving there, Dr. Garbelotto said he had been studying whether composting can be trusted to kill the pathogen or whether these excesses of yard waste will need careful tracking as well.