He was impressed by the careful preservation of a President's prerogative.
The diary chronicles the birth of a secular form of self-understanding to which Pepys paid tribute with the diary's careful preservation.
The Irish arts, especially the music, similarly present intense emotions distilled through years of careful preservation.
For ancient Egyptians the careful preservation of the deceased and his tomb ensured success in the after-life.
This ensures maximum protection and careful preservation of these valuable cultural resources.
Although Rhodes Hall is now surrounded by commercial buildings and heavy traffic, it has survived damage due to careful historic preservation and restoration efforts.
Without careful preservation, the lid even has zebra crossing marks on it.
Image authenticity can be enhanced by the careful preservation of original images.
Its careful preservation gives visitors the impression that they are actually entering the Chapel as it was before it was demolished.
They first developed in the late Jurassic and only careful preservation by the Yilane has prevented the de- struction of this living fossil.