A crash dive in a diesel-powered submarine requires careful orchestration of the crew.
And mayhap loving could work out the uncertainties in his plan that no amount of careful and cautious orchestration could accomplish.
His singing and the band's playing always remained within the confines of careful orchestrations.
In fact, Nirvana's career has benefited from careful orchestration.
Thanks to good political fortune, and careful orchestration by his aides, Mr. Clinton is rivaling Ronald Reagan's success in using incumbency to produce those flattering images on television.
Due to his careful orchestration of lights, flashes and human volunteers, Mr. Link's tense, sparkling images seem fuller of life than life itself, slightly surreal.
An invitation to go sans shoes requires careful orchestration.
There are other design elements, like FLOW, that are not often considered standard, but through careful orchestration enhance how we relate to, use and remember special rooms.
Typhoon's music has always been marked by complicated arrangements and careful orchestration.
The Dia show, a careful orchestration of three photographic and two sculptural installations, makes Ms. Horn's interests insistently clear.