With careful political maneuvering, China has managed to placate all sides, at least to some degree.
The tentacles are invulnerable to all enemy attacks, and can be positioned with careful maneuvering of the X-002.
It had taken some careful maneuvering, but everything was in place and ready.
By careful maneuvering, he managed to remove the garment without baring her to his gaze.
Her crowds are big and months of careful maneuvering to recast her image seem to be finally paying off.
It took some careful maneuvering to get Rae onto the bunk again, but Jericho managed the thing without waking her.
But he made it work by careful maneuvering.
Then, by careful maneuvering, the loops were passed around the nose and tail of the rocket.
It would take some careful maneuvering to extricate herself from the crowded, noisy square.
But her dinner party that evening represented the culmination of months of careful maneuvering.