Due to careful husbandry, 50 percent of his herd never requires antibiotics and can therefore be sold as organic.
It is a flow of sympathy, a sustained endeavour, a careful husbandry.
Berneray has a particularly fine machair, a result of careful husbandry by the island's crofters, helped by the absence of rabbits.
There's every reason to expect that a bit of careful husbandry will bring them about.
This implied careful husbandry of possessions because they came from God.
By careful husbandry, the Nez Percé produced a large number of Appaloosas, which they used as cavalry in their running fight with the United States government.
Thanks to Delahaye's careful husbandry the breadfruit was subsequently successfully introduced to the French West Indies.
Survival as a dryland farmer requires careful husbandry of the moisture available for the crop and aggressive management of expenses to minimize losses in poor years.
Colt has made an estimate of our fuel and provisions and thinks that with careful husbandry we will be able to reach Europa.
And until recent advances in DNA science, the only way to identify a caterpillar positively was to rear it to adulthood, which requires careful husbandry.