The Wisconsin report, like all new medical findings, may prove overexuberant and needs careful checking.
Slacks and sweater were on in less than a minute, but the careful checking of his footwear took considerably longer.
The value of careful checking was highlighted during the Edward Heath government in Britain during the 1970s.
I don't think, at this point, that anyone should run anything said by either Palantir or HBGary as fact without careful checking.
Scuse it, please-I'll be good," and the careful checking and testing of every vital part of the space-suits went on.
On the other hand, von Stroheim's is a career that needs an Arthur Lennig, because certainly no career ever needed more careful checking and tracing.
I've finished the glossary and it needs careful checking as you go along.
My careful checking had revealed Bell's calculations concerning the stabilization process to be actually quite valid.
But by careful checking, the facts slowly emerged.
The complications of this building were too much for offhand solution, and I would probably have to do some careful checking before I could hope to emerge.