After this, the longer spent in the company of cats the better, but always with the careful avoidance of any sudden, unanticipated move.
Robb has written what amounts to an authorized biography of the movement, with all the bland boosterism and careful avoidance of controversy the genre requires.
Note the more overt reference to religion but careful avoidance of Jesus Christ which is rather too religious a term.
In addition, he "stresses Moses' willingness to undergo toil and his careful avoidance of bribery.
Where Niall was concerned, by means of careful avoidance, she hadn't seen him, other than at a distance, for the past two days.
In negotiation, haragei is characterised by euphemisms, vague and indirect statements, prolonged silences and careful avoidance of any comment that might potentially give offense.
Erzberger's careful avoidance of a grab at England's colonies was part of this idea.
"I repeat that it is an impertinence," answered Mr. Beach, but with a careful avoidance of the direct issue.
Had the men not paid any attention to their careful avoidance of being alone with any of them, other than their chosen husbands, out of choice?
There are nicely balanced views about the great commanders - Harris, Cochrane and Bennett - with careful avoidance of the temptation to be smart after the event.