His career proceeded quickly after he married Dayavati Ganga Ram in 1932.
Of course," says Paul, "in the beginning, our dad had a slightly different idea about how our careers should proceed.
In reality, few careers proceed in a simple upward arc.
In fact, their careers often proceed unhindered by a subsequent conviction.
Despite the early promise, Kenway's career proceeded to fall away following his academy call-up and tour to Australia.
All this notwithstanding, Ms. Frankenthaler's career has proceeded in orderly, not to say majestic style.
His Italian career then proceeded on a highly successful course.
"My career has proceeded through the obvious suspects being busy," he said with good humor.
As Haydn's career proceeded, he moved toward a very particular type of double variations, having the following additional specific characteristics.
As their career proceeded, however, The Beatles began to increasingly focus on the album as an artistic medium in its own right.