So you don't go after high school kids; you go after career placements.
This controversial approach allowed for the founding of various departments, such as residence life, orientation, financial aid, counseling, career placement and student health.
Guidance counselors assist in course selection, college and career placement, as well as student support.
The research stands to be highly influential, having applications in career placement, psychotherapy, and informatics.
The business school helps to provide competitive career placement for graduating students.
It has a training and placement unit to help students to decide on their training and career placement.
Fidelis closely tracks the students through graduation, and then helps them with career placement.
Scads of schools are using the Internet to offer graduates on-line classes, mentoring opportunities and career placement for life.
"Lawyers do not feel comfortable if they are practicing in an unfamiliar area," said Barbara Merhman, director of career placement at the center.
I had an idea about career placement, getting athletes jobs when they graduate.