By the late 1990s, U.S. per capita health care spending began to increase again, peaking around 2002.
But the main reason health care spending is rising is that modern medical technology has steadily made it possible to do more for more people.
In fact, studies have shown repeatedly that modifiable health risks add significantly to the costs of health care, accounting for as much as 70 percent of all medical care spending.
The Health Care Financing Administration's projections show that private sector health care spending will be nearly $4,000 per person by the year 2005.
In 2002, obesity-related medical care spending accounted for 11.6 percent of all private health care spending, compared to just 2 percent in 1987, concludes Health Affairs.
Yet to pay for all this new health care spending, he imposed billions in new taxes that will increase the cost of care and undermine job creation.
Chronic diseases are a major factor in the continuous growth of medical care spending.
Growth in Health Costs Slows Down Health care spending grew 6.4 percent in 1994, a slower rate than in any year since 1960, the Government said.
In the end, too many specialists has meant too much health care spending.
A Tory council leader says high profile 'lefty' opponents of library closures have forced him to axe social care spending.